Tariff Investigation

The Commission follows a developmental or strategic approach to tariff setting with the objective of promoting domestic manufacturing activity, employment retention and creation, and international competitiveness.

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Trade Remedies

ITAC is responsible for conducting trade remedy investigations in accordance with policy, domestic law and regulations and consistent with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. Applications to ITAC, in the main, are for anti-dumping action. Read More

Import & Export Control

The Import and Export Control regime administered by ITAC, regulates the movement of specific goods across the borders of South Africa, enforcing health, environmental, security and safety, and technical standards. Read more on Import Control and Export Control.

Latest News

Guidelines and application form for rebate on solar panels - ITAC Report 613

Guidelines, rules, and conditions pertaining to permits issued under rebate item 460.16/8541.43/01.06 for the importation of photovoltaic cells, assembled in modules or made up into panels, classifiable under tariff subheading 8541.43

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Report 613, Report 627 and Report 723

Application for an increase in the general duty on solar panels, Review of rebate item pertaining to the manufacture of air-conditioning machines and Creation of a temporary rebate provision for the importation of photovoltaic cells.

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Report 728

Sunset review of the anti-dumping duty on unframed glass mirrors originating in or imported from the people’s republic of China (“China”): Final Determination.

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