Investigation into the alleged dumping of active yeasts imported from the Republic of Zimbabwe: Preliminary Determination

14 May 2024

The International Trade Administration Commission (“ITAC or the “Commission”) gazetted a notice of the initiation of an investigation into the alleged dumping of active yeasts (baker’s compressed yeast) originating in or imported from the Republic of Zimbabwe on 18 August 2023.

The application was lodged by Rymco (Pty) Ltd, trading as Anchor Yeast, the only producer of the subject product in the Southern African Custom Union (SACU).

The Commission was provided with written submissions and comments by the Applicant and interested parties, (“the verified producer/exporters and importers “).

The Commission considered all the relevant information available at its disposal, in particular, that related to dumping, material injury, threat of material injury and causality.

The Commission made a preliminary determination that:
• dumping of the subject product originating in or imported from the Republic of Zimbabwe is taking place.
• there is material injury and threat of material injury to the SACU industry; and
• there is causal link between the alleged dumped imports and the material injury and threat of material injury experienced by the SACU industry.

The Commission made a preliminary determination to request the Commissioner for SARS to impose provisional duties on imports of active yeast originating in or imported from the Republic of Zimbabwe for a period of 6 months.

A notice to give effect to this decision, has been published in the Government Gazette on 10 May 2024.

Please click on the link below to access the full report:

Report 729