

Report No.: 416 (Pdf 366.26 KB)
Title: Increase in the rate of duty on laminated safety class
Tariff No.: 7007.21
Date: 07 Dec 2012

Report No.: 415 (Pdf 341.98 KB)
Title: Amendment of rebate item for goods of any description used in the manufacturing of reception apparatus
Tariff No.: 316.17/00.00/03.00
Date: 24 Jan 2013

Report No.: 413 (Pdf 413.03 KB)
Title: Increase in the rate of customs duty on mussels
Tariff No.: 0307.39.10/0307.93.9
Date: 19 Dec 2012

Report No.: 412 (Pdf 422.85 KB)
Title: Review of the tariff structure for salmon and trout Report
Tariff No.: 0302.13/0302.14/0302.19/0303.11/0303.12/0303.13/0303.19/0304.41/0304.49.90/0304.42/0304.59.90/0304.81.90/0304.89.90/0304.91.90/0304.99.90/0305.39.90/0305.41/0305.49.900305.59.90/0305.69/0302.11/0303.14/0304.42/0304.82.90/0305.43
Date: 18 Feb 2013

Report No.: 411 (Pdf 230.08 KB)
Title: Increase in the general rate of customs duty on conical steel drums
Tariff No.: 7310.10
Date: 01 Nov 2012