Investigation Reports


Report No.: 623 (Pdf 967.71 KB)
Title: Investigation into the alleged circumvention of anti-dumping duties applicable to imports of clear float glass originating from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates by switching supply to Egypt (country hopping investigation): Final Determination
Tariff No.:
Date: 19 Mar 2020

Report No.: 620 (Pdf 2.18 MB)
Title: Investigation Into Remedial Action In The Form Of A Safeguard Measure Against The Increased Imports Of Threaded Fasteners Of Iron Or Steel: Bolt Ends & Screw Studs, Screw Studding And Other Hexagon Nuts: Final Determination
Tariff No.:
Date: 30 Jan 2020

Report No.: 616 (Pdf 653.7 KB)
Title: Sunset review - anti-dumping duties on Soda Ash originating from the USA: Final determination
Tariff No.:
Date: 29 Oct 2019

Report No.: 615 (Pdf 2.07 MB)
Title: Investigation into the alleged dumping of clear float glass from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates: Final determination
Tariff No.:
Date: 18 Oct 2019

Report No.: 607 (Pdf 1.22 MB)
Title: Investigation into the alleged dumping of PET from the People's Republic of China: preliminary determination
Tariff No.:
Date: 18 Jul 2019